About me,  Life

5 Things You May Not Know About Me

Let me introduce myself, I’m Ellie, aka Els the Ardent Blogger and here are 5 things you may not know about me.

New year, new me.

That old chestnut.

It’s always the same after that festive slump when the new year is fast approaching and you suddenly panic about what you want to change or do differently in the upcoming year. And seeing as we’re already into the final week of January, I’m aware I’m a little behind.

But I just wanted to share my new project that I’ve been working on with you. So hey and welcome to Els the Ardent Blogger! 👋

Els the Ardent Blogger in Bali

This is my new blog where I’ll be sharing some of my hints, tips and experiences that I’ve gathered from around the world, along with some baking knowledge and top ski season tips. Now I’m new to this so go easy on me, but I’d love to get any feedback, comments or tips to help me get started. And please share too!

But to really get started on my first blog post, I thought I’d share a little bit about me first with Five things you may not know about me:


My birthday is bonfire night. Not wild stuff, I know. But it does provide a good filler for any of those “Tell the group three interesting things about you” bonding sessions on first days. Plus, bonfire night is big where I’m from. If you ever get the chance to go to Lewes, in East Sussex on November 5th – you must! A torch lit parade through the high street, with controversial effigies and bangers that make your ears ring – there’s no other event like it!

Fireworks over Lewes - Bonfire Night

Every birthday for 10 years we would book one of the restaurants on the sidelines in order to watch the town come alive from above. It also helped that I never had to go to school the next day, as so many pupils were often in the parade. Which meant birthday cake for breakfast and pjs all day and who wouldn’t want that after their birthday?

Lewes Bonfire - Pink skies in dark silhouette


Now talking of cake, I can’t get enough of the stuff. I love baking it, eating it and everything in between.

As a child, as long as I cleaned up the kitchen afterwards, I could make whatever I pleased. It’s also been standard protocol for many years that I bake everyone’s birthday cakes within my immediate family.

Pumpkin Spice Muffins up close

I love baking so much that I’ve even set up my own bakery Instagram page too, @theardentbakery, which I’d be very grateful if you’d follow me.

I mostly post my own creations, but I find it’s also a great platform for sharing some of the amazing artistry that can be made with just a handful of ingredients. For all my recipes, head to my baking section.

Game of Thrones themed birthday cake


I am the proud owner of a Lobster Hat. That is to say, I made one for my A-Level Textiles final project and haven’t touched it since. It’s sat on the top of my wardrobe for the past 4 years and is sadly collecting dust. But anyone who’s done arty subjects at school, college or beyond, knows the amount of time and effort that goes into each project. So, I can’t say goodbye to it just yet. Besides, it might come into fashion one day, right?

About me - Homemade Lobster Hat


I come from a pet-friendly home. My first pet was my guinea pig, Chutney, which was aptly paired with my older sister’s rabbit, Cracker. Sadly I am not responsible for their legendary names as I was four at the time. I also didn’t do much to look after them, as it was my sister’s duty to clean the hutch every weekend. Which I am still reminded of to this day.

I currently own two elderly cats, Duchess and Fifi, thankfully I’m not responsible for these names as it provides major embarrassment when visiting the vets, and two dogs.

One teddy bear looking, but with the personality of a grumpy old man, Alfie, and one energetic, tennis ball loving Collie/Labrador, Bisou.

About me - Alfie and Bisou. 2 dogs sitting for a photo


The most difficult point to write. I’ve pondered for quite some time whether to share this about myself, as once it is posted it will forever be on the internet, but here goes. My dad sadly passed away on September 5th 2017. It’s been the hardest thing my family and I have ever had to go through.

Nicholas Williams - About me. My Dad holding a cocktail shaker smiling

In January 2017, it was just a cough on our annual skiing holiday, by March he was diagnosed with kidney cancer. On June 1st, he went in for the surgery we thought would save him, but unfortunately he just never fully recovered from it. Read the full story here.

About me - Me and Dad smiling on the sofa

My dad had the warmest heart. He is my inspiration and I will always miss him.

Why I am telling you this, I’m not sure yet. Maybe a form of therapy? Perhaps by writing it down and telling the world it’s going to help me? Who knows? All I do know is that; everyone is fighting their own battles, whether you can see it or not. Kindness is key and family is everything.

Dad holding baby Ellie, both asleep on the sofa. About me.

So, here’s to a new year. A fresh start.

To learn more about me, you can read my bio here. Or stay up to date on Facebook and Instagram – @ellielwilliams_ & @theardentbakery

Els x